This section is primarily for instructors/clubs placing group orders. However, it is also open to individuals attending solo to purchase their tickets. SOLO DANCERS: IF YOU ARE BOOKING DIRECTLY, PLEASE DO NOT ALSO BOOK THROUGH AN INSTRUCTOR AT THE SAME TIME!
Early bird price offered till 28th February 2025. To receive this price, ticket order must be placed on/before this date Orders from the 1st March will be return to the regular price. Instructors, you are responsible for collecting the correct fees from your students. Payments are required to be completed within seven days after placing an order.
Every attendee must possess a valid ticket. This includes instructors, non-dancers, and children. It is important to be aware that tickets cannot be refunded once they are purchased.
In the absence of physical tickets, your name will be placed on the guest list. Instructors must submit a list of names promptly if requested and communicate any changes immediately.
Payment Details:
Commonwealth Bank
NSW Line Dance Ball
BSB: 062 181
ACC: 1066 6198
As reference, please use Your Surname name + Ticket. For example "Smith Ticket" This will help us allocate to your booking.